Certified ITIL V3 Intermediate SOA / SS / SDJust a few credits left and I will become an ITIL V3 Expert ! ITIL V3 have 5 core concepts , which are Service Strategy, Service Design , Service Transition , Service Operation and finaly Continual Service Improvement. The first thing I noticed compared to the Practitioner V2 is the presence of a much younger audience. The second thing is the exam itself, this time it's 8 questions and for each question 4 answers with a gradient scoring system. To pass you must score at least 70% (28 marks). The courses for both Intermediate SOA and SS were rich and intense. Going throught all the details , was a very good experience. For the intermediate exams, be sure to read the pocket book and to practice the mock exams. When working on the mock exams, try to find the incorrect answer (distracter) and then sort the remaining answers by order of correctness. This technique will help you understand the logic behind every question/answer and will increase your chances to succeed in the exam. |